The antenna is the main component of an amateur radio station and its installation must be handled by competent hands, in compliance with the safety and effective performance of the radiant system.

Not everyone needs to install large antenna systems. Often when you start you pay attention in choosing the antenna towards vertical multiband or some other simple system. A correct installation accompanied by an accurate instrumental calibration are the winning cards to guarantee the DX even with small antenna systems
We have extensive experience in the installation of any kind of antenna, static and dynamic systems. Care and experience can prevent damage and breakage of the moving parts, guaranteeing in this case too an efficient and lasting system.
Those who start often find it difficult to deal with the first antenna system. A small triband or a light DeltaLoop can be excellent steps after the first setup.

For the most demanding radio amateurs it takes LARGE Antennas SYSTEMS. Once these levels are reached, precision, competence and professionalism are fundamental foundations on which to build the perfect installation.
Systems with 20 / 30m supports both self-supporting and braced … single-band antennas of large dimensions … characteristics that make a winning system but that require forethought and competence in use as in the realization.
We carry out the recovery and dismantling of systems in disuse or burdened by structural damage that prevent their easy removal.
A dangerous or maintenance-free system risks turning into a danger for oneself and others.
We have extensive experience in the management of systems damaged by exceptional weather events, in the dismantling or restoration of any antenna system.

Following our establishment in Sweden, we have also started producing devices and antennas for those customers tired of buying objects and antennas not really sized to the declared specifications.
Our solutions are accompanied by technical documentation and measurements that certify the real specifications, we are also available for any customization and realization on request.